SR-9011 - 90cap. - 10mg
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SR-9011 - 90cap. - 10mg
What is SR9011?
SR9011 is classified as an effective agonist of Rev-Erba protein (1). Although most people consider SR9011 as a potent SARM due to its effects, such as fat loss and increased endurance, the truth is far from this.
Rev-Erb is a group of proteins that play a critical role in different physiological mechanisms of the body (2). Rev-Erb does everything from regulating your circadian rhythm and inflammatory process to modifying lipid and glucose metabolism.
How Does SR9011 Work?
Unlike SARMs, SR9011 doesn’t modulate androgen receptors present in skeletal muscles. Instead, it upregulates the functioning of Rev-Erba proteins.
That being said, functions such as modification of energy expenditure and fat metabolism, alongside glucose homeostasis, are all augmented.
It is also widely researched that Rev-Erb plays a central role in regulating our circadian rhythm (3). Our body, through alteration in gene switching, follows a 24-hour routine.
This spiral mechanism is maintained by turning off the BMAL1 gene via Rev-Erba proteins. Thus, with SR9011, you can escalate the process.
SR9011 gives you approximately 12 hours of energy through a regulated biological clock.
Additionally, research has yielded increased oxygen usage, enhanced liver fat burning, decreased cholesterol and bile salts production, and a boost in glucose and fatty acids (4).
Still and all, a detailed mechanism of action needs to be figured out for further clarity and functioning of SR9011.
Benefits of SR9011
With this compound, one can expect improved results and greater body transformation.
One of the major differences between a regular SARM and SR9011 is that there’s no testosterone suppression with the latter. Therefore, you wouldn’t need post-cycle therapy (PCT) after using SR9011.
SR9011 also promotes fat loss via two major mechanisms (5). Firstly, SR9011 increases mitochondria concentration, leading to a greater metabolic rate, even when resting. Besides this, the drug helps switch off genes for glucose uptake. Through this, your body has no choice but to use fat as an energy source.
With SR9011, you can put in long hours while doing cardio. This is due to increased endurance and strength.
From a medical point of view, SR9011 improves the recovery process by lowering inflammatory processes and shifting up the cell regeneration process (6).
SR9011 also increases the levels of HDL while simultaneously reducing LDL and cholesterol. This allows you to have a healthy cardiovascular system.
Most importantly, SR9011’s ability to maintain a circadian rhythm helps you stay vigilant during the day and provide peaceful sleep during the night.
Who Should Use SR9011?
Anyone looking to gain healthy lean muscle mass and lose extra subcutaneous fat can cycle with SR9011. Even so, someone who wants to gain endurance to do long hours of cardio can also go for this product.
Some athletes prefer SR9011 over SARMs due to minimal side effects and no repression of testosterone. Also, they wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of PCT.
SR9011 Dosage and Cycle
SR9011, starting with 10 mg per day, is advised if you are a beginner. However, if you’re a daily user, it is safe to use 15 to 30 mg of the drug. Since the half-life of SR9011 is incredibly short, lasting up to 4hours, you can split the dose into parts.
As far as the SR9011 cycle is concerned, you shouldn’t exceed more than 8 weeks/2 months. This period is long enough to gain maximum benefits.
Again, because SR9011 is non-suppressive towards body hormones, you won’t need PCT after a cycle.
SR9011 Side Effects
After a close investigation of the effects of SR9011 on humans, it is deduced that the drug is well tolerated without any major side effects.